23 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

Workshop Programme

Workshop programme

The programme of lectures and other activities
18.07.2014 Fday
Arrival at Istanbul
19.07.2014 Sday
10.00-12.30: Introduction to RE-PUBLIC Workshop by Zeynep Gunay [The objectives, scope and methodology of workshop + Introduction to study area “Taksim”]
12.30-13.15: Lunch
13.15-16.00: Site visit
16.00-17.00: Formation of groups / discussion on themes / study areas
17.00-20.00: Panel: Re-Public Taksim [İpek Akpınar, Murat Güvenç]
20.30-23.30: Welcome cocktail & dinner [ITU Macka Social Centre]
20.07.2014 Sunday
10.00-12.30: Lectures
·          [10.00–11.00] Carlo W. Becker, “New challenges for urban design of public space: less money for building and maintenance; heterogeneous society, ability for further development”
·          [11.15-12.15] Christine Fuhrmann, “Identity of public space in times of global networks”
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
17:00: Discussion
21.07.2014 Mday
09.30-11.30: Lectures
·          [09.30–10.30] Thomas Knorr-Siedow, “Place-making methodologies and action research”
·          [10.45-11.45] Alex Fubini, “The concept of public good”
12.00-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
17:00: Knowledge Café
18:00: Staff meeting
22.07.2014 Tday
09.30-12.30: Lectures
·          [09.30–10.15] Handan Türkoğlu, “Evaluation of public spaces”
·          [10.30-11.15] Johan Verbeke, “Knowledge on design and research”
·          [11.30-12.15] Burak Pak, “Tools and strategies for the collective construction of public  spaces”
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
17:00: Student Presentations [Analysis - Evaluation]
19.00 Staff dinner [MSGSU faculty club]
23.07.2014 Wday
Free study
24.07.2014 Tday
09.30-12.00: Lectures
·          [09.30-10.30] Christine Fuhrmann, “Typology of (green) urban space”
·          [10.45-11.45] Livia de Bethune, “Neighbourhood innovations for revitalisation of public spaces: Brussels projects”
12.00-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
17:00: Student Presentations [Guideline vision]
25.07.2014 Fday
09.30-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
26.07.2014 Sday
10.00-17.00: Planning and Design Studio
17:00: Student Presentations [Place-making concept, design strategies and proposals]
19.00: Re-Public dinner [Tarihi Cumhuriyet Meyhanesi]
27.07.2014  Sunday
10.00-12.30: Planning and Design Studio
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Presentation & poster preparation and reporting
28.07.2014 Mday
09.30-12.30: Presentation & poster preparation and reporting & poster print-outs
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Final Presentations / RE-PUBLIC Jury
19.00: Farewell dinner [ITU Macka Social Centre]
29.07.2014 Tday

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