Workshop participants have
access to the following resources (please see dropbox):
- maps
- pervitich maps
- aerial photographs
- information on the city and surrounding area
- tracing-paper, flipchart, projector
- At the workshop venue there will be free access to internet. All participants and tutors are kindly asked to bring their own laptop computers as well as digital cameras.
Reading list
Adanalı, Y., A. (2011) De-spatialized Space as
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Representation, Pisa University Press, Pisa, 83-97.
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Celik, Z., Favro, D., Ingersoll, R. (1994) Streets and
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Crawford, M. (1995) Contesting the Public Realm:
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Davis, M. (1992) Fortress Los Angeles: The
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York: The Noonday Press, 154-180.
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Fainstain, S. (2000) New directions in planning
theory. Urban Affairs Review, 35 (4), 451-478.
Fraser, N. (1993) Rethinking the Public Sphere: A
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Gehl, J. (2007) Public spaces for a changing public
life. C.W. Thompson, P. Travlou (Ed) Open Space: People Space, Oxon:
Taylor& Francis, 3- 22.
Goodwin, M. (1993) The city as commodity: the
contested spaces of urban development. G. Philo, C. Philo (Ed) Selling Places:
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Press, 145-162.
Habermas, J. (1989) The Structural Transformation of
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Healey, P. (1997) Collaborative Planning – Shaping
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Healey, P. (1998) Building institutional capacity
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Healey, P. (2001) Towards a more place-focused
planning system in Britain. A. Madanipour, A. (Ed) The Governance of Place:
Space and Planning Processes, Aldershot: Ashgate, 265 – 286.
Healey, P. (2002) On creating the city as a collective
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Kayden, J.S. (2000) Privately owned Public Space: The
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Krings-Heckmeier, M. (1988) Sozialräumliche und
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Madanipour, A. (2003) Cities Actions Against Social
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Madanipour, A. (2003) Public and Private Spaces of the
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Madanipour, A. (2014) Public Space and the Challenges
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augmenting reflective architectural design learning. ITcon (17), Special Issue
eLearning 2.0: Web 2.0-based social learning in built environment, 502-519,
Parkinson, J.R. (2012) Democracy and Public Space –
The Physical Sites of Democratic Performance, Oxford/New York.
Sachs Pfeiffer, T. (1982) The City Lived, Berlin.
Sola-Morales M. (2008) Public and Collective Space:
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Punter, J.V. (1990) The privatisation of public realm.
Planning, Practice and Research, 5 (3), 9-16.
Sennet, R. (2008) The public realm.
Sorkin, M. (1992) See you in Disneyland. M. Sorkin
(Ed) Variations on a Theme Park, New York: The Noonday Press, 205-232.
Üzümkesici, T. (2011) Taksim Topçu Kışlası, Ünal, I.,
Kozar, C., Saner, T., Hayalet Yapılar, Şan Ofset Matbaacılık, 102-112.
Yildirim, B. (2012) Transformatıon of public squares of Istanbul
between 1938-1949. 15th IPHS Conference Proceedings (online).
***Istanbul Research Institute Blog, History of the
Taksim Promenade,
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